Developing Resilience

This 2-day Developing Resilience programme also forms part of the Institute of Leadership Approved Performance Coaching and Stress Management Development Programme.

This intensive two-day programme based workshop covers the theory and practice of developing psychological resilience. Learners will have the opportunity to practise skills and techniques in small group work. Topics include essential characteristics of a resilient personality, the three C’s of Hardiness, managing hardship, steering through daily difficulties, bouncing back from adversity, reaching out to new opportunities, developing resilience, building strengths rather than repairing weaknesses, distinguishing between Resilience Undermining Thoughts and Resilience Enhancing Thoughts. Models and frameworks from the cognitive behavioral approach and positive psychology such as ABCDEF and INSIGHT are included. Handouts and a manual are provided. For the purposes of skills training, learners should be prepared to discuss one problem in small group work. Suitable for coaches, managers, personnel staff, trainers and counsellors. Normal rules of confidentiality apply.

To become knowledgeable about the concept of psychological resilience and how such an outlook can be developed and strengthened.


Examine some of the characteristics and strengths associated with resilience

Consider some of the myths of resilience

Identify some of the ideas that undermine resilience building

Discuss the views of various writers on resilience

Pinpoint areas where a poor coping response prevails

Understand the cognitive behavioural coaching approach and its application to enhancing resilience related cognitions (Resilience Undermining Thoughts and Resilience Enhancing Thoughts), behaviours and emotion

Gain knowledge of the positive psychology INSIGHT framework

The trainers are Dr Siobhain O’Riordan PhD CPsychol FISCP and/or Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol FISCP. Both are Chartered Coaching Psychologists, and are ISCP Accredited Coaching Psychologists. They both edit professional and academic coaching psychology journals.